The Trubist's Take on Street Fighter IV For Android Devices

GAMING | February 28, 2018

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Many mobile gamers around the world have owned an Android smartphone or tablet computer and they would feel delightful to learn that they can enjoy playing one of their favorite fighting games on their mobile device, and that would be Street Fighter IV Champion Edition. Although the original feels outdated from the popular franchise's latest iteration, it is good for us to know that there is a legitimate Street Fighter game which can we really consider it as our own. 

In fact, Street Fighter IV Champion Edition on Android is more than just our own satisfaction for it can be the definitive fighting game for mobile devices that we are clamoring for. The game was initially available on iOS a few years ago, but it was marred by various issues such as lack of playable characters. The game's developers have addressed the issue as the Android version has 32 characters including the DLC ones from the home console versions and the extras from the arcade edition.

SFIV Champion Edition for Android Gameplay
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Gameplay-wise, Street Fighter IV is a hit and miss. The control style will remind anyone of an arcade game's built-in control system but it is in the style of capacitive multitouch controls. One big plus for me is the dedicated Super button which can be used to create masterful super moves for your preferred character, but you need to move the sensitive analog stick with your own left thumb to perform such moves. This could be a hindrance to what you can expect from a mobile fighting game, but it depends on what you think and how to master.

Overall, Street Fighter IV Champion Edition may be considered the definitive fighting game suitable for Android devices but players need to live with the style of playing a touch-centric mobile fighting game. Otherwise, Street Fighter fans and those who are new to the franchise may get used to which version of Street Fighter IV is more enjoyable for their own pleasure.

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