Sega Genesis Mini On The Right Track

OPINIONS, GAMING | October 10, 2018

Sega Genesis Mini
Sega Genesis Mini which is due out worldwide in 2019 (Image Source:
With the SNK NeoGeo Mini now available in gaming stores and the Sony PlayStation Classic set to due out before Christmas, we can assume that Sega's own compact retro gaming system which was publicly announced a few months ago would begin duking it out against its competitors only to learn that we need to wait a little bit longer for the system to arrive. However, the best thing about it is that there is some good news behind which would satisfy our craving for its anticipated launch. 

Originally introduced itself as the Megadrive Mini in Japan, Sega officially announced that the retro gaming system will be slated for a simultaneous worldwide release by 2019 and will be known outside Japan as the Genesis Mini. This announcement was seen on various gaming and tech news sites online. Though more details on the system and its game lineup are yet to be announced amidst the speculations from the gaming public, it is good to know that we can be assured of what we can expect from the Genesis Mini in the coming months prior to its 2019 release.

On the other hand, retro gaming enthusiasts would be pleasantly delighted to learn that American-based manufacturer AtGames will not be involved in the production of the Genesis Mini. Sega's announcement of AtGames' involvement in the project last summer received critical mixed reception from game critics and enthusiasts alike which I assume are mostly negative considering that many gamers have criticized the manufacturer for its Sega Genesis Flashback that was marred and hounded by different issues. Now, it seems that the Genesis Mini is going towards the right track after Sega stated that it is working with a Japanese company for the production and development of the console.

We may have been a bit disappointed about the delay of the Genesis Mini's highly anticipated coming which could have cemented 2018 as the year of the retro mini systems, but interesting details about the delay gave us a huge smile on our faces with hopes that the Genesis Mini becomes one retro mini to be reckoned with all throughout 2019 and beyond if it becomes successful at its own pace.

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