Reaping The Intermittent Effects of Undersea Cables

TECHNOLOGY | May 7, 2018

Undersea Cable Repairs
(Image Source: SoyaCincau)
Millions of Filipinos consider browsing the World Wide Web anytime and anywhere on their own devices as their own personal hobby in today's modern world that has almost the same traction as watching their favorite shows on their television sets, and those who have been enjoying their own affair everyday think it would not have been possible without the advent of telecommunication towers standing across different parts of our shores. Although they are right about what they think, they merely forget one small but importantly essential detail. 

Unbeknownst to their own opinion, every telco tower has been powered by several factors - both natural and artificial - that no internet or mobile user didn't know they exist to serve. One such factor in any case is the man-made undersea cables lying deep within some of the Earth's waters which benefit the telecommunications industry in numerous countries including the Philippines. However, in the past few weeks and months, more internet users and tech enthusiasts in the country are now being informed of these undersea cables thanks to reports from legitimate news sources such as Rappler and the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

PLDT-Smart and Globe Telecom, two of the most prominent telcos in the country, have recently warned their subscribers of intermittent browsing due to some of the undersea cables under repair. With this in mind, I wonder if this could affect my worry-free internet surfing or not. Luckily, it didn't. But then I learned from my trusted news sources that several internet users will experience slowdowns while streaming on the likes of YouTube and Netflix, and it comes to my mind that it refers to those who are savvy in consuming huge chunks of their internet data. Talk about crazy, but that would seem to be an imminent effect.

Sometimes, anyone who has experience such problem on their internet experience could cool down after expressing frustration and disappointment while waiting for the internet to speed up. Regardless of how they would feel, it won't matter because many mobile and internet users do not feel the surge powered by long cables sitting under the sea as if they just enjoy themselves interacting with their friends and loved ones online without noticing any internal problems and that is fine with me. It is best to enlighten yourself to other things on your computer or mobile device if you happen to experience intermittent internet browsing but can't figure out its cause and never doubt on the telecommunications company that has provided you with what you need to cater to your own digital lifestyle needs.

Believe it or not, there is no denying that millions of Filipino internet junkies like us are reaping the intermittent effects of the natural elements that powered up and strengthen the telco's network without noticing. Nevertheless, we must remain calm and less vigilant on our own digital lifestyle experience that we can enjoy to its fullest in today's modern world.

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